Welcome to St. Francis Episcopal Church

Happening Now

Confirmation Service & Bishop Brian Cole’s Annual Visit (in person & Zoom):

Thursday, December 12 @ 7 pm, worship service followed by Italian-them potluck meal and reception for those just confirmed.

Longest Night/Blue Christmas Service (in person & Zoom):

Saturday, December 21 @ 7 pm, worship service A service of remembrance, silence, and prayer for those who find themselves reminded of those who are no longer here to celebrate the holidays. If joining online, please have a candle available.

Christmas Eve Service (in person & zoom):

Tuesday, December 24 @ 6:45 pm, worship service with special music, Children’s program, candle lighting, and Holy Eucharist. Following worship we will gather for a time of fellowship and share a piece of birthday cake to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child.

You are invited to worship

click on the “+” to see more


8:45 am – Youth Sunday School (5th grade middle school to 12th grade high school)

9:00 am – Choir Practice

9:30 am – Worship – in person & Zoom (1st Sunday Rite I, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays – Rite II, 5th Sundays – Celtic Rite)

**Godly Play for children during worship service (Age 3 to 4th grade)

10:30 am – Coffee Hour – a casual time of fellowship


7:00 pm – Online Healing Service (Zoom) – a time of prayer for our family, friends, and neighbors, as well as our own need. Meets mid-January thru end of May and August thru mid-November.


No matter where you come from or where you are going, no matter what you believe or what you doubt, no matter what you feel or don’t feel today, no matter whom you love, you are welcome into this space to be met by a God who knows you by name, who knows your hearts, who knows your mind, and … who wants to have a relationship with you.